Sunday, March 15, 2020


I find this slokam quoted in Smrutimuktaphalam... of Vaidyanatha Deekshita..
.the standard book of rules for brahmins espectially the smarthas of South India

एकादश्याम् मुनिश्रेष्ठ यो भुङ्क्ते मूढचेतनः
प्रतिग्रासमसौ भुङ्क्ते किल्बिषम् श्वानविट्समम्।
ekādaśyām muniśreṣṭha yo bhuṅkte mūḍhacetanaḥ
pratigrāsamasau bhuṅkte kilbiṣam śvānaviṭsamam|

The statement is attributed to Sage Sanatkumar..( one of the four sons of Brahma who are ever young with the age of five to six years),
The sage is addressing another great sage ( the name of the second sage is not given) and is saying
Oh Great Sage, the man with clouded and idiotic mind who takes food on the day of Ekadashi ( the eleventh day in both the lunar cycles), is swallowing each morsel of food as if he is consuming the excreta of a dog.. and incurs the same uncleanliness and pollution of doing so..

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