Thursday, June 18, 2020

what every father dreams.. what he expects...

what every father dreams.. what he expects... 
a fathers day message.....
अश्मा भव परशुर्भव हिरण्यमसुतं भव।
आत्मा वै पुत्रनामासि स जीव शरदः शतं॥
अङ्गाद् अङ्गाद् संभवति हृदयात् अधिजायते।
आत्मा वै पुत्रनामासि स जीव शरदः शतं॥ 

aśmā bhava paraśurbhava hiraṇyamasutaṁ bhava|
ātmā vai putranāmāsi sa jīva śaradaḥ śataṁ||
aṅgād aṅgād saṁbhavati hṛdayāt adhijāyate|
ātmā vai putranāmāsi sa jīva śaradaḥ śataṁ|| 

a vedic mantram 

 When the father sees his new born son for the first time, he says,, 

My son, you be as tough as the rock, you be as sharp as an axe, and you be as brilliant as pure gold...
you are myself born in the name of my son.. may you live to see hundred autumns. 

My son, you have been born from my own limbs, you occupy and share my heart,
you are myself born in the name of my son.. may you live to see hundred autumns. 

If the son would strive to reciprocate such expectation, that should be the ideal Fathers day gift..

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