Monday, June 15, 2020

What is the essence of our sanathana dharma.. ?

What is the essence of our sanathana dharma.. ?
I could think of this answer only..

What we have to understand is that there are no general rules applicable to all Hindus..not even to persons belonging to the same caste or community.
All divergent thoughts are accommodated
Hear good
see good
speak truth
do not harm
do not give trouble
do not hateor exploit others.
Help others.
Dharma followed by fathers and elders of the clan to which one belongs should be followed sincerely.
Change should be effected only after great thoughts and where there are positive advantages
. And each person is responsible for what he does.. either good or bad
And dharma is supreme..
one should be prepared to give up everything including life for dharma and Satyam
And we should wish and pray for the welfare of all and our own welfare will happen naturally
That is the essence.
God is one although he is called by many names

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