Thursday, July 01, 2021

Beng Self-centred

"Self-centred" is not a sinful word although nowadays it is the fashion with so many to deem it so and use the term in that negative sense.

In fact every living system is self-centred because a person perceives everything with reference to what other things outside his organic self would appear to him, whether the interaction is beneficial , prejudicial or even detrimental.

A self-centred person, although he would evaluate things on the basis of his individual conveniences and benefits, would agree that he and others should exist together and can exist without destroying the interests and privileges of one another.

But the fellow becomes selfish when he just thinks that everything is there for him to enjoy and exploit and that he would not care a damn about the distress being caused to others in the process.

Being self-centred need not mean being selfish.

However, if the tendency to be self-centred takes pathologically diabolic shape where the self-centrism means destruction or disadvantage to all except the biological unit comprising of the self

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