Thursday, July 01, 2021

the imp within..

My reply to a management expert

You canvass for a lot of deliberation and circumspection in our activities and behavioural pattern . I agree in principle.

But our Maker seems to have played a trick on all of us.

God seems to plays a funny role. In his superior wisdom he could have created all surfaces just as hard as diamonds, so that they may not get scars. He did not do that.

He has created some minds and people as very soft and fragile, some others are fairly resilient and yet others as very tough and unbending. It creates the eternal variety of our existence.

And sure, variety is the spice of life.

If He had created all of us in the same way life would have been insipid for one and all.

And take it from me, we emerged from monkeys as a slightly improved species. 
The monkeys within us are, perhaps, very much alive and kicking.

So we tend to jump in and out and up and down in spite of all our caution and care and get injured too.

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