Thursday, June 29, 2023

भुवनजननी भूषाभूतचन्द्रे

भुवनजननी भूषाभूतचन्द्रे नमस्ते कलुषशमनी कम्पातीरगेहे नमस्ते।
निखिलनिगमवेद्ये नित्यरूपे नमस्ते परमशिवमयी पाशच्छेदहस्ते नमस्ते॥
bhuvanajananī bhūṣābhūtacandre namaste kaluṣaśamanī kampātīragehe namaste|
nikhilanigamavedye nityarūpe namaste paramaśivamayī pāśacchedahaste namaste||
My dearest mother Kamakshi pranams to you who has converted the lunar crescent as an attarctive ornament to adorn your comely locks
My dearest mother kamakshi, pranams to you who is ever engaged in removing the flaws, blemishes, confusions, evil thought arising in my mind
My dearest mother Kamakshi, pranams to you who has made your Royal Abode the temple in Kanchi, built in the banks of the holy River Kampa
My dearest mother Kamakshi, Pranams to you, who are praised, realized and worshipped through the greatest scriptures, Vedas
My dearest mother Kamakshi, Pranams to you, who has assumed a presence and manifestation which is eternal
My dearest mother Kamakshi, Pranams to you, who is ever of placid nature, who is ever ready to bring peace and harmony all around, and who is ever remaining merged in body and thoughts with that eternal Lord,, Paramashiva
My dearest mother Kamakshi, Pranams to you, who is Paasa Hastaa and Paasha Hantree too ( see Lalitha Sahasranaamama), who holds the rein of the universe, who affectionately controls everything and who also finally cuts of all connection of this worldly woes that afflict us and grant us ultimate Moksham
(This namaskara slokam from Mookapanchaashati was the favourite of Maha periyavaa.. who lived as God, and is remaining as God)

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