Thursday, June 29, 2023

Procedure on conclusion of Pratishta as per Karika in the vaikhanasa Agamam

Procedure on conclusion of Pratishta as per Karika in the vaikhanasa Agamam
( Sanskrit text extracted from the Vaikhanasa Agama Kosha published by Srivenkatesa University.. Tirumala Tirupati Devastanam )
प्रतिष्ठान्तरं अर्चनोक्तवत् अर्चनं कृत्वा वेदादिघोषं कारयित्वा पायसान्नं निवेदयित्वा होमं हुत्वा बलिं दत्वा बलिबिंबं आलयस्य प्रदक्षिणं कारयत्। आपराह्णे प्रतिष्ठान्तोत्सवं कुर्यात्। नवाहं सप्ताहं पञ्चाहं त्र्यहं वा उत्सवोक्ताविधानेन उत्सवं कारयेत्। एकाहिकं चेत् द्वजारोहणं न कुर्यात्। उत्सवान्तदिने रात्रौ स्नपनं कुर्यात्। प्रतिष्टायां उपयुक्तं वस्त्रधान्याधिकं सर्वं आचार्याय दद्यात्। काष्टाधिकं तु शिष्टं दाहयेत्। अप्सु वा क्षिपेत्।स्रुवजुहूदर्विदर्भमाल्याधिकं तत्रैव परिरक्षयेत्। कुम्भस्थजलेनैव यः स्नायात् आत्मानं प्रोक्षयेत् वा सः सर्वपापैः प्रमुच्यते।विधिवत्प्रतिष्ठाकरणेन एकविंशति पूर्वान् तथा एकविंशतिपरान्श्च कुलजान् आत्मना सह विष्णुलोकं नयति॥
pratiṣṭhāntaraṁ arcanoktavat arcanaṁ kṛtvā vedādighoṣaṁ kārayitvā pāyasānnaṁ nivedayitvā homaṁ hutvā baliṁ datvā balibiṁbaṁ ālayasya pradakṣiṇaṁ kārayaet| āparāhṇe pratiṣṭhāntotsavaṁ kuryāt| navāhaṁ saptāhaṁ pancāhaṁ tryahaṁ vā utsavoktāvidhānena utsavaṁ kārayet| ekāhikaṁ cet dvajārohaṇaṁ na kuryāt| utsavāntadine rātrau snapanaṁ kuryāt| pratiṣṭāyāṁ upayuktaṁ vastradhānyādhikaṁ sarvaṁ ācāryāya dadyāt| kāṣṭādhikaṁ tu śiṣṭaṁ dāhayet| apsu vā kṣipet| sruvajuhūdarvidarbhamālyādhikaṁ tatraiva parirakṣayet| kumbhasthajalenaiva yaḥ snāyāt ātmānaṁ prokṣayet vā saḥ sarvapāpaiḥ pramucyate| vidhivatpratiṣṭhākaraṇena ekvaviṁśati pūrvān tathā ekaviṁśatiparānśca kulajān ātmanā saha viṣṇulokaṁ nayati||
On conclusion of the Pratishta the Archanam.. or procedural ritualistic worship pooja according to the texts should be done.
Vedaghosham.. loud chanting of Vedas should follow.
Paayasam and Rice in good quantities should be offered as naivedya. The homams prescribed as per agama should be performed.
The bali.. offer of food to the upadevatas and parivaras should be perfomed, and this should be done all around the temple to the accompaniment of the procession of the Balibimbam ( the small representative idol.. like Chakram etc representing the core deity),,
After the midday on the date of consecration, the Utsavam as a process of conclusion of the pratishta should be done
The utsavam can be observed as per the detailed rules for nine days, seven days, five days, three days or at least one day..
If the utsavam is for one day there need not be ceremonial flag hoisting.
On the night of conclusion of this Utsavam, the deity should be offered ceremonial bath or thirumanjanam
Whatever clothes, cereals etc are left over after the ceremony should be given to the acharya..
If firewood, logs etc are left behind they should be burnt. Alternately they could be left in flowing deep flowing waters.
The homa materials like Sruva, darvee, maalya or garlands etc can be retained in the temple premises itself (for future use)
If one takes bath, or sprinkles on himself the remnants of waters available in the Kumha after pratishta, he would be relieved of sins himself and twenty one generations of his clan who were born before him and twentyone generations after him would be relieved of all sins and they would all reach Vishnu lokam..

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