Tuesday, July 11, 2023

व्रजे वसन्तं नवनीत चौरं

व्रजे वसन्तं नवनीत चौरं
गोपाङ्गनानां च दुकूल चौरम्।
अनेक जन्मार्जित पापचौरं
चौराग्रगण्यम् पुरुषं नमामि॥
vraje vasantaṁ navanīta cauraṁ
gopāṅganānāṁ ca dukūla cauram|
aneka janmārjita pāpacauraṁ
caurāgragaṇyam puruṣaṁ namāmi||
my affectionate pranams to that master burglar
who lives in the colony of cowherds and makes it His business to steal butter from every household
that young lad who hides stealthily atop a tree in the banks of yamuna and when the dames to the neighbourhood come for bath, steals their clothes and teases them
that impish lad, and that Supreme being, who is capable of just robbing us of all our sins accumulated over many many lives
krishna I love you..

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