Monday, July 10, 2023

there should be method in spending too

there should be method in spending too
सञ्चितं क्रतुशतैर्न युज्यते याचितं गुणवते न दीयते ।
तत्कदर्यपरिरक्षितं धनं चोरपार्थिवगृहे प्रयुज्यते ॥२६॥
sanchitam kratushatairna yujyate yaachitam gunavate na deeyate
tatkadaryaparirakshitam dhanam chorapaarthivagruhe pryujayte
From Garudapuranam
If the wealth accumulated by a person is not spent of good purposes
( here the scripture says the good purpose is conducting yagas and yajnaas.. but obviously any deed which is for the good of society and the individual is equally a good purpose)
alternately if the wealth is not applied for the welfare of good people who are afflicted by poverty,
then that money, hoarded by a stingy person,
ultimately finds its destination in the hands of thieves and robbers
or as taxes or other levies effected by the government or the king..
For Sanskrit lovers
यदि if
संचितं gathered or save meticulously
धनं money
क्रतुशतैः in performing hundred or many holy sacrifices.. (spent ) for goo purposes
न युज्यते not applied.. not spent
यदि याचितं if asked for , requested for
धनं money
गुणवते for a person who is full of virtues
न दीयते not given
कदर्य miser, hoarder
परिरक्षितं guarded by ,
तद् धनं that money
चोरपार्थिवगृहे ( चोरस्य पार्थिवस्य वा गृहे ) in the house of a robber or a king
प्रयुज्यते becomes handy.. get spent..
Note.. Garudapuranam is one of the Mahapuranas..
though its theme is the story of Garuda the celestial bird, the book is a source for Dharmasastras, on various rules for lifestyle, definition of sins and their expiation, and a veritable guide on worship of the departed souls..
The puranam is full of subhashitams of the genre presented above..

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