Friday, July 14, 2023

अर्थं महान्तमासाद्य

अर्थं महान्तमासाद्य विद्यामैश्वर्यमेव वा।
विचरत्यसमुन्नद्धो यः स पण्डित उच्यते॥
महाभारते उध्योगपर्वे ३३-४०
arthaṁ mahāntamāsādya vidyāmaiśvaryameva vā|
vicaratyasamunnaddho yaḥ sa paṇḍita ucyate||
mahābhārate udhyogaparve 33-40
An interesting quote from the Indian epic Mahabharatham
A person can be called as truly learned and resourceful only if
even after attaining immense wealth and education and even after being posted in a position of authority, remains humble and conducts himself without any trace of arrogance..
The arrogance of the affluent is monumental
The self assurance and propensity to parade ones knowledge and thus insult others by words and action is the hallmark of almost any scholar.. even if he is half baked..
If a fellow is placed in power and authority, his vanity, and contempt for others soars up as he goes up in his positon..
When these three attributes combine in a person he would forget himself..
The epic Mahabhratham advises us that a fellow can retain his standing in society as a respected person only if he is humble and helpful to others..
word meaning
यः नरः which man
महान्तं अर्थं huge wealth
विद्यां education
ऐश्वर्यं poisition of authority and command
वा either
आसाध्य after attaining
असमुन्नद्धः not arrogant
विचरति moves around, conduct oneself
सः एव he alone
पण्डितः learned and resourceful
उच्यते is described as
k v ananthanarayan

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