Friday, July 14, 2023

Mother Lakshmi..

For an old timer like me thoughts are stuck on a Divine Lady..
Mother Lakshmi..
But since she is the Mother who is of infinite age, I could record the thoughts with lots and lots of respect and reverence only..
No romance stuff
1.She is the mangala devata.. the deity of all that is great and splendid, all that everyone would like to have in his life...
But her husband appears to have scored one above her.
Even His names, not to speak of His eminent Grace, are called mangalaanaam cha mangalam...
Greater and splendid than anything that is splendid..( refer kankadhaarastotram where She is crowned as Mangala Devata.. and Vishnu Sahasranamam where the Grand old Man's names and He himself are given the epithets like Pavitraanam pavitram yo, mangalaanaam cha mangalam पवित्राणां पवित्रं यौ मङ्गलानां च मङ्गलं)
2. Before every Vedic or Hindu marriage, the groom conducts a pooja to the thaali (the mangala sutra).
Mother Lakshmi, the Maangalya Devata is invoked to that thirumangalyam and requested to reside there permanentlly..
That means every lady who wears the mangalya sootram carries the Grace of Mother Lakshmi or the Mother Herself with Her. That is why she is called sumangali.
(सुमङ्गलीरियं वधूः इमां समेत पश्यत सौभाग्यं अस्यै दत्वाया अथास्तं विपरेतन .. this vadhoo is a sumangalee, ensure that she is able to live a blessed life.. and consider all priorities, subservient to that of hers.. this is a famous Vedic mantra which all of us would have heard.).
And that way, every Sumangali, is eligible to get Pranaams from anyone( I mean males) irrespective of the age
3.When we conduct poojas, usually we perform Kalasa, Sankha, Aatma Peeta poojas and Aavaahanam or invoking the deity on the statue, lamp or many other objects which are permitted by scriptures.
Finally, at the conclusion of the pooja, we request the deity to go back to their exalted places, for blessedness, welfare and for coming back again.. (शोभनार्थे क्षेमाय पुनरागमनाय च )
But when it comes to Mother Lakshmi, many just invoke Her in mangaladravyaas, but never would anyone request her to go back and come again..She should never leave. She should be with us permanently. We believe that there is only aavaahanam for Her and no sending back..
Maybe, we cannot afford to ask the source of all wealth and welfare to leave us. How can we allow that Lady to depart?
Maybe that Lady is very fickle and she will run away whether we ask her or not.. But we are always optimistic that She will stay with us for ever.
Maybe she is so attached to Her husband that she will bolt away to Him even in the midst of the puja..
Also many believe that if Lord Narayana is worshipped, the Lady will be around anyway..
When that Old Man is with us, the Lady cannot think of leaving us.

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