Wednesday, July 12, 2023

How Krishna saved the honour of Draupadi..

How Krishna saved the honour of Draupadi..

as described in Mahabharatam...of Vyasa.. Sabhaparvam,, Chapter 90 (text from kumbakonam edition)
In the words of Vaishampayana
ततो दुःशासनो राजन्द्रौपद्या वसनं बलात्।
सभामध्ये सभाक्षिप्य व्यपाक्रष्टुं प्रचक्रमे॥ २-९०-४० १४९५९
Then Dussaasana dragged Draupadi by her single cloth forcibly into the Royal court and started to remove them
आकृष्यमाणे वसने विललाप सुदुःखिता।
ज्ञातं मया विसिष्ठेन पुरा गीतं महात्मना॥ २-९०-४१ १४९६०
As her single cloth was being pulled away
Draupadi, extremely sorrowful started weeping like this.
I have learnt by the old songs of the great Vasishta that
महत्यापदि सम्प्राप्ते स्मर्तव्यो भगवान्हरिः।
When you are facing grave danger, you should meditate upon Bhagavan Hari
इति निश्चित्य मनसा शरणागतवत्सलम्।
आकृष्यमाणे वसने द्रौपदी कृष्णमस्तरत्॥ २-९०-४२ १४९६१
Accordingly having decided to ( meditate upon the Lord) Draupadi meditated upon Sri Krishna as her single robe was being pulled away (by Dussaasana)
शङ्खचक्रगदापाणे द्वारकानिलयाच्युत।
गोविन्द पुण्डरीकाक्ष रक्ष मां शरणागताम्॥ २-९०-४३ १४९६२
You who holds a conch, a discus and a mace in your hands, you the one who has Dvaraka as the abode, you the protector of cows, Govinda, you the lotus eyed Pundareekaaksha, I am invoking your protection, please save me.
हा कृष्ण द्वारकावासिन्क्वासि यादवन्दन।
इमामवस्थां सम्प्राप्तामनाथां किमुपेक्षसे॥ २-९०-४४ १४९६३
Oh Krishna, where are you now, you dweller of Dvaraka, you the son of a Cowherd? Why are you neglecting me, who is placed in such a miserable condition.?
गोविन्द द्वारकावासिन्कृष्ण गोपीजनप्रिय।
कौरवैः परिभूतां मां किं न जानासि केशव॥ २-९०-४५ १४९६४
Oh, Govinda, you dweller of Dvaraka, you the black fellow Krishna, you the darling of the gopi damsels, Why are you not taking not of me when I am thus being insulted by the people belonging to the clan of Kurus.?
हे नाथ हे रमानाथ व्रजनाथार्तिनाशन।
कौरवार्णवग्नां मामुद्धरस्व जनार्दन॥ २-९०-४६ १४९६५
You my Master, you the Lord of Rema the Lakshmi, you the master of the pastureland, you the destroyer of all sorrows, oh the protector of people Janardhana, may you be pleased to uplift me as I am just drowing in the ocean of adversity created by the Kauravas
कृष्णकृष्ण महायोगिन्विश्वात्मन्विश्व्भावन।
प्रपन्नां पाहि गोविन्द कुरुमध्येऽवसीदतीम्॥ २-९०-४७ १४९६६
Krishna, you the one who can attract everyone to you, you the great yogin, you the soul of all that is manifest, you who is showing yourself as all that is manifet, I am being insulted in the midst of Kuru and therefore I have come to you in utter surrender.. Please save me.
इत्यनुस्मृत्य कृष्णं सा हरिं त्रिभुवनेश्वरम्।
प्रारुदद्दुः खिता राजन्मुखमाच्छाद्य भामिनी॥ २-९०-४८ १४९६७
Of King ( this is a narration by Vaisampayana in a Royal court) Thus meditating upon Krishna the Hari who is the remover of grief of all and who is the master of the three world that great lady cried in utter grief covering her own face (with her hands)
तस्य प्रसादाद्द्रौपद्याः कृष्णमाणेऽम्बरे तदा।
तद्रूपमपरे वस्त्रं प्रादुरासीदनेकशः॥ २-९०-४९ १४९६८
By His (Krishna’s) Grace, when Draupadi’s robe was being pulled away, there appeared from nowhere another set of clothes (covering her body)
नानारागविरागाणि वसनान्यथ वै प्रभो।
प्रादुर्भवन्ति शतशो धर्मस्य परिपालनात्॥ २-९०-५० १४९६९
Again and again clothes or various colours and texture started appearing in hundres .. they appeared for the establishment and maintenance of the Divine order Dharma.

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