Wednesday, July 12, 2023

॥मृतुञ्जयाष्टकम्॥ mrityunjaya ashtakam

रुद्रं पशुपतिं स्थाणुं नीलकण्ठमुमापतिम्।
नमामि शिरसा देवं किं नो मृत्युः करिष्यति॥१
कालकण्ठं कालमूर्त्तिं कालाग्निं कालनाशनं।
नमामि शिरसा देवं किं नो मृत्युः करिष्यति॥२
वामदेवं महादेवं लोकनाथं जगद्गुरुम्।
नमामि शिरसा देवं किं नो मृत्युः करिष्यति॥३
देवदेवं जगन्नाथं देवेशं वृषभद्वजम्।
नमामि शिरसा देवं किं नो मृत्युः करिष्यति॥४
भस्मोद्धूळित सर्वाङ्गं नानाभरण भूषितम्।
नमामि शिरसा देवं किं नो मृत्युः करिष्यति॥५
अर्द्धनारीश्वरं देवं पार्वती प्राणनायकं।
नमामि शिरसा देवं किं नो मृत्युः करिष्यति॥६
गङ्गाधरं शशिधरं शङ्करं शूलपाणिनम्।
नमामि शिरसा देवं किं नो मृत्युः करिष्यति॥७
स्वर्ग्गापवर्ग्गदातारं सृष्टिस्थित्यन्तकारणम्।
नमामि शिरसा देवं किं नो मृत्युः करिष्यति॥८
मार्क्कण्डेयकृतं स्तोत्रं यः पठेत् शिवसन्निधौ।
तस्य मृत्युभयं नास्ति नाग्निचोरभयं क्वचित्॥९
नमः शिवाय सांबाय हरये परमात्मने
प्रणतक्लेशनाशाय योगिनां पतये नमः॥१०॥
രുദ്രം പശുപതിം സ്ഥാണും നീലകണ്ഠമുമാപതിം।
നമാമി ശിരസാ ദേവം കിം നോ മൃത്യുഃ കരിഷ്യതി॥൧
കാലകണ്ഠം കാലമൂര്‍ത്തിം കാലാഗ്നിം കാലനാശനം।
നമാമി ശിരസാ ദേവം കിം നോ മൃത്യുഃ കരിഷ്യതി॥൨
വാമദേവം മഹാദേവം ലോകനാഥം ജഗദ്ഗുരും।
നമാമി ശിരസാ ദേവം കിം നോ മൃത്യുഃ കരിഷ്യതി॥൩
ദേവദേവം ജഗന്നാഥം ദേവേശം വൃഷഭദ്വജം।
നമാമി ശിരസാ ദേവം കിം നോ മൃത്യുഃ കരിഷ്യതി॥൪
ഭസ്മോദ്ധൂളിത സര്‍വാങ്ഗം നാനാഭരണ ഭൂഷിതം।
നമാമി ശിരസാ ദേവം കിം നോ മൃത്യുഃ കരിഷ്യതി॥൫
അര്‍ദ്ധനാരീശ്വരം ദേവം പാര്വതീ പ്രാണനായകം।
നമാമി ശിരസാ ദേവം കിം നോ മൃത്യുഃ കരിഷ്യതി॥൬
ഗംഗാധരം ശശിധരം ശങ്കരം ശൂലപാണിനം।
നമാമി ശിരസാ ദേവം കിം നോ മൃത്യുഃ കരിഷ്യതി॥൭
സ്വര്‍ഗ്ഗാപവര്‍ഗ്ഗദാതാരം സൃഷ്ടിസ്ഥിത്യന്തകാരണം।
നമാമി ശിരസാ ദേവം കിം നോ മൃത്യുഃ കരിഷ്യതി॥൮
മാര്‍ക്കണ്ഡേയകൃതം സ്തോത്രം യഃ പഠേത് ശിവസന്നിധൌ।
തസ്യ മൃത്യുഭയം നാസ്തി നാഗ്നിചോരഭയം ക്വചിത്॥൯
നമഃ ശിവായ സാംബായ ഹരയേ പരമാത്മനേ
പ്രണതക്ലേശനാശായ യോഗിനാം പതയേ നമഃ॥൧൦॥
rudraṃ paśupatiṃ sthāṇuṃ nīlakaṇṭhamumāpatim।
namāmi śirasā devaṃ kiṃ no mṛtyuḥ kariṣyati॥1
kālakaṇṭhaṃ kālamūrttiṃ kālāgniṃ kālanāśanaṃ।
namāmi śirasā devaṃ kiṃ no mṛtyuḥ kariṣyati॥2
vāmadevaṃ mahādevaṃ lokanāthaṃ jagadgurum।
namāmi śirasā devaṃ kiṃ no mṛtyuḥ kariṣyati॥3
devadevaṃ jagannāthaṃ deveśaṃ vṛṣabhadvajam।
namāmi śirasā devaṃ kiṃ no mṛtyuḥ kariṣyati॥4
bhasmoddhūḻita sarvāṅgaṃ nānābharaṇa bhūṣitam।
namāmi śirasā devaṃ kiṃ no mṛtyuḥ kariṣyati॥5
arddhanārīśvaraṃ devaṃ pārvatī prāṇanāyakaṃ।
namāmi śirasā devaṃ kiṃ no mṛtyuḥ kariṣyati॥6
gaṃgādharaṃ śaśidharaṃ śaṅkaraṃ śūlapāṇinam।
namāmi śirasā devaṃ kiṃ no mṛtyuḥ kariṣyati॥7
svarggāpavarggadātāraṃ sṛṣṭisthityantakāraṇam।
namāmi śirasā devaṃ kiṃ no mṛtyuḥ kariṣyati॥8
mārkkaṇḍeyakṛtaṃ stotraṃ yaḥ paṭhet śivasannidhau।
tasya mṛtyubhayaṃ nāsti nāgnicorabhayaṃ kvacit॥9
namaḥ śivāya sāṃbāya haraye paramātmane
praṇatakleśanāśāya yogināṃ pataye namaḥ॥10॥
I prostrate placing my head in surrender on the ground before Lord Shiva. Who is the angry and intensely emotional Rudra, ,
who is the protector and lord of all living beings,
who stands like a huge pillar or a column,
whose neck is coured dark blue because of the Halahala poison lodged the, who is the beloved lord of Uma .
and how can death do anything to me?--1
I prostrate placing my head in surrender on the ground before Lord Shiva, who is having a neck of black hue and who is holding Kala the god of death on the throat, who is the embodiment of time, who manifests himself as the destructive five at the close of time, who has destroyed the lord of death,--
and how can death do anything to me?--2
I prostrate placing my head in surrender on the ground before Lord Shiva, who manifest as Vaamadeva ( one of the five forms of Shiva, other being Sadhyojatam, Tatpurusham, Eashaanam and Aghoram),
who is the most exalted among all gods,
who is the one and only possessor and controller of the universe,
who is the father and the preceptor for the whole universe, --
and how can death do anything to me?--3
I prostrate placing my head in surrender on the ground before Lord Shiva, who is the God for all gods,
who is the controller of the universe,
who is the one who looks after the welfare of the gods (eesha),
who is having a huge bull as his flag insignia.. --
and how can death do anything to me?--4
I prostrate placing my head in surrender on the ground before Lord Shiva, who has smeared ashes on all his limbs,
who is adorned with ornaments of myriad kinds, --
and how can death do anything to me?--5
I prostrate placing my head in surrender on the ground before Lord Shiva who is presenting Himself with a body of which half of it of a woman.( arthanaareeswara.. he gifted half of His body to Uma),
who is the life breath of that affectionate mother Uma Parvathi, --
and how can death do anything to me?--6
I prostrate placing my head in surrender on the ground before Lord Shiva, in whose matted locks, the great river Ganga is staying out of deep love, who has also give shelter to the crescent moon near his head,
who as Shankara provides all that is good for everyone,
who wields a trident..
and how can death do anything to me?--7
I prostrate placing my head in surrender on the ground before Lord Shiva, who is capable of giving us happy life in heaven and also complete emancipation from all human attachment and escape from birth-death cycle ( this is called moksham) ,
who, as the single powerful deity, created, protects and destroys all things in the universe, .
and how can death do anything to me?--8
The octet is written by Sage Markandeya ( who attained immortality by the Grace of Shankara),..If one reads or chants this in the presence of the Lord, there is no fear of death for him. And there can never be any fear for him from fire or thieves and robbers.--9
Salutations to Shiva..
Who is present in the company of Amba.. Uma Parvathi
Who is the destroyer of all sins ( Hari also means Vishnu.. Shiva and Vishnu are same.. )
Who is the supreme Soul
Who is the destroyer of all woes of those who adore his lotus feet
Who is the leader of all yogins--10

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