Wednesday, July 12, 2023

॥श्री गणनायकाष्टकम्॥ sri gananayaka ashtakam

॥श्री गणनायकाष्टकम्॥
एकदन्तं महाकायं तप्तकाञ्चनसन्निभम्।
लम्बोदरं विशालाक्षं वन्देऽहं गणनायकम्॥१
मौञ्जीकृष्णाजिनधरं नागयज्ञोपवीतिनम्।
बालेन्दुविलसन्मौळिं वन्देऽहं गणनायकम्॥२
अम्बिकाहृदयानन्दं मातृभिः परिपालितं।
भक्तप्रियं मदोन्मत्तं वन्देऽहं गणनायकम्॥३
चित्ररत्नविचित्राङ्गं चित्रमाला विभूषितम्।
चित्ररूपधरं देवं वन्देऽहं गणनायकम्॥४
गजवक्त्रं सुरश्रेष्टं कर्ण्णचामरभूषितम्।
पाशङ्कुशधरं देवं वन्देऽहं गणनायकम्॥५
मूषिकोत्तममारुह्य देवासुरमहाहवे।
योद्धुकामं महावीर्यं वन्देऽहं गणनायकम्॥६
यक्षकिन्नरगन्धर्व सिद्धविद्याधरोरगैः।
स्तूयमानं च वरदम् वन्देऽहं गणनायकम्॥७
सर्वविघ्नहरं देवं सर्वविघ्नविवर्ज्जितम्।
सर्वसिद्धिप्रदातारं वन्देऽहं गणनायकम्॥८
गणाष्टकमिदं पुण्यं भक्तितो यः पठेन्नरः
विमुक्तः सर्वपापेभ्यः सर्वाभीष्टं स विन्दति॥
||śrī gaṇanāyakāṣṭakam||
ekadantaṁ mahākāyaṁ taptakāñcanasannibham|
lambodaraṁ viśālākṣaṁ vande'haṁ gaṇanāyakam||1
mauñjīkṛṣṇājinadharaṁ nāgayajñopavītinam|
bālenduvilasanmauḻiṁ vande'haṁ gaṇanāyakam||2
ambikāhṛdayānandaṁ mātṛbhiḥ paripālitaṁ|
bhaktapriyaṁ madonmattaṁ vande'haṁ gaṇanāyakam||3
citraratnavicitrāṅgaṁ citramālā vibhūṣitam|
citrarūpadharaṁ devaṁ vande'haṁ gaṇanāyakam||4
gajavaktraṁ suraśreṣṭaṁ karṇṇacāmarabhūṣitam|
pāśaṅkuśadharaṁ devaṁ vande'haṁ gaṇanāyakam||5
mūṣikottamamāruhya devāsuramahāhave|
yoddhukāmaṁ mahāvīryaṁ vande'haṁ gaṇanāyakam||6
yakṣakinnaragandharva siddhavidyādharoragaiḥ|
stūyamānaṁ ca varadam vande'haṁ gaṇanāyakam||7
sarvavighnaharaṁ devaṁ sarvavighnavivarjjitam|
sarvasiddhipradātāraṁ vande'haṁ gaṇanāyakam||8
gaṇāṣṭakamidaṁ puṇyaṁ bhaktito yaḥ paṭhennaraḥ
vimuktaḥ sarvapāpebhyaḥ sarvābhīṣṭaṁ sa vindati||
..shrii gaNanaayakaaSTakam..
ekadantaM mahaakaayaM taptakaa~nchanasannibham.
lambodaraM vishaalaakSaM vande.ahaM gaNanaayakam..1
mau~njiikR^iSNaajinadharaM naagayaj~nopaviitinam.
baalenduvilasanmauLiM vande.ahaM gaNanaayakam..2
ambikaahR^idayaanandaM maatR^ibhiH paripaalitaM.
bhaktapriyaM madonmattaM vande.ahaM gaNanaayakam..3
chitraratnavichitraa~NgaM chitramaalaa vibhuuSitam.
chitraruupadharaM devaM vande.ahaM gaNanaayakam..4
gajavaktraM surashreSTaM karNNachaamarabhuuSitam.
paasha~NkushadharaM devaM vande.ahaM gaNanaayakam..5
muuSikottamamaaruhya devaasuramahaahave.
yoddhukaamaM mahaaviiryaM vande.ahaM gaNanaayakam..6
yakSakinnaragandharva siddhavidyaadharoragaiH.
stuuyamaanaM cha varadam vande.ahaM gaNanaayakam..7
sarvavighnaharaM devaM sarvavighnavivarjjitam.
sarvasiddhipradaataaraM vande.ahaM gaNanaayakam..8
gaNaaSTakamidaM puNyaM bhaktito yaH paThennaraH
vimuktaH sarvapaapebhyaH sarvaabhiiSTaM sa vindati..
I prostrate before the Lord of the Ganas ( Vinayaka) who is having a single tust, who is having a very immense torso, who shines with the glow of molten gold, who has a hug belly and who is having very wide eyes.
I prostrate before the Lord of the Ganas ( Vinayaka), who has belt made of the skin of black antelope tied around his waist and wearing a snake as the thread across the body, who shines with the crescent of nascent moon on his head
I prostrate before the Lord of the Ganas ( Vinayaka), who is the heartthrob of mother Ambika, the Uma Paravathi, who is nursed and served by the seven mathrukas( divine mothers), who always loves his devotees unconditonally who appears intoxicated like and elepant on rut
I prostrate before the Lord of the Ganas ( Vinayaka) who is adorned vividly all over the body with various precious stones, who wears innumerable garalands with myriad flowers, who has manifested in the most vivid and beautiful form,
I prostrate before the Lord of the Ganas ( Vinayaka), who appears with the face of an elephant, who is the foremost among gods, who is bestowed with very wide ears like ornamental fans, and who wears a rope and tether used to control elephant (ankusham)
I prostrate before the Lord of the Ganas ( Vinayaka) who, the most valiant one,having mounted a rat, is eagerly participating in the battle on the side of Devas in their strife against demons (asuras)
I prostrate before the Lord of the Ganas ( Vinayaka) who is served with utter devotion and praised by demigods like Yakshas, Kinnaras, Gandharvas, Siddhaas, Vidhyaadharas and Uragas, who is the source of all boons..
I prostrate before the Lord of the Ganas ( Vinayaka), who is capable of shattering all impediments, who has no impediments confronting him, who is eager to bestow on his devotees all grace and fortune.
A devotee who recites or chants this octet on Ganesha, which is so holly, with all sincerity, will have complete relief from sins. And each and every desire of his would be fulfilled..

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