Thursday, August 10, 2023

श्रीनाथेति जनार्दनेति जगतां नाथेति

श्रीनाथेति जनार्दनेति जगतां नाथेति नारायणे-
त्यानदेति दयाधरेति कमलाकान्तेति कृष्णेति च।
श्रीमन्नाममहामृताब्दिलहरी कल्लोलमग्नं मुहुर्-
मुह्यन्तं गलदश्रुधारमवशं मां नाथ नित्यं कुरु॥
śrīnātheti janārdaneti jagatāṁ nātheti nārāyaṇe-
tyānadeti dayādhareti kamalākānteti kṛṣṇeti ca|
śrīmannāmamahāmṛtābdilaharī kallolamagnaṁ muhur-
muhyantaṁ galadaśrudhāramavaśaṁ māṁ nātha nityaṁ kuru||
A humble prayer to the supreme being
oh my lord, my master,
make me for ever
a helpless being
sinking and floating in the surging waves
of the ocean filled with the nectar of your names
and just shedding streams of tears of ectacy
and losing consciousness in you
and waking up again and again,
always calling out
Lord of mother Sree the lakshmi
Lord janarthana, who protects the good and punishes the evil
Lord Jagannatha,, the master of the universe
Lord Narayana the dweller of the waters
Lord who is the epitome of Mercy
Lord who is the beloved consort of that mother Kamala
Oh my Krishna, the black attractive one,
I love you krishna

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