Thursday, August 10, 2023

Marriage of Sita with Rama part I from Chapter 73 of Balakandam of Valmikiramayanam.

Marriage of Sita with Rama
part I
from Chapter 73 of Balakandam of Valmikiramayanam.
Sri Rama had lifted the bow of Shiva at Mithila and broken it and King Janaka had offered the hand of Sita in marriage to the Prince..
The happy news is conveyed to King Dasaratha and he had reached the Palace of Janaka with all his retinue to celebrate the marriage of Sita and Rama in a befitting manner..
After formal decision on the auspicious date and time for the solemn function, King Dasartha and the princes observe the preliminary vows which are obligatory prior to the marrige..
Dasratha conducts the functions and a significant ritual is gifting huge number of cows to learned people, seeking blessedness for the conduct of marriage..
This function of Godhaanam was conducted on the date immediately preceding the date fixed for the wedding..
The day of wedding is the day with Uthram Star in the Phalguni Month..
On the day of the Godhanam King Yudhajit, the brother of Kaikeyi and the uncle of prince Bharatha reaches Mithila with a desire to meet Bharatha, his nephew.
Yudhajit, the son of the King of Kekaya and the maternal uncle of Prince Bharatha meets Dasartha and his retinue at Mithila..
The King Dasartha and his brother in law exchange pleasntries and then start conversation.
Yudhajit informs that his father the King of Kekaya has sent his respects and love for Dasharatha and conveys the fond enquiries about the welfare of all .
Then Yudhajit informs that his father was eager to see his grandchild Bharatha who is the nephew of Yudhajit and the latter had been to Ayodhya taking this message.
Yudhajit had come to know that Dasaratha had proceeded with his sons to Mithila for the marriage of his sons.
Therefore he had rushed to Mithila, eager to meet his sisters son. He was happily looking forward for a meeting with his nephew Bharatha..
Dasaratha was very much happy about the timely arrival of the maternal uncle of the children..
Yudhajit isaccorded a very sweet and happy welcome..
And he is offered all honours befitting a close relative and honoured guest.
Dasaratha spends the night happily in the company of his sons and the guests. They all wake up in the morning and perform the morning rituals befitting the happy occasion.
And with the Sages leading the way, they all proceed to the hallowed land where Janaka was observing the Yajna during which the marriage too was fixed to be celebrated.
At the most appropriate muhurta or time which indicated full vicotry, Rama and his brothers are decorated with all ornaments and liveries befitting the grooms and they are also consecrated with tying of holy talismans or threads (Rakshas) as preparation for the marriage ceremony.
And ready for the wedding, Rama stands by the side of his father, and his three brothers too stand beside him.. Sage Vasishta and the other Sages walk ahead of them as they proceed towards the hallowed land where the marriage is to happen..
Leading the procession Bhagavan Vasishta reaches the venue of Yajna where the marriage was to be conducted and meets King Janaka and informed him as follows.
'Oh King Janaka, Emperor Dasaratha is eagerly waiting for receiving the gifts of the Kanyas (the nubile princesses of yours) for his sons ..
Oh, best among men, he is present here along with his four sons who have been made ready for marriage with all the auspicious rituals like being tied with the mangala Raksha preparatory to marriage.
The gift of Kanyas would bless both the giver and receiver with all that is desired in this world. Please perform your sacred duty and arrange for the most appropriate marriages."
The extremely generous and cordial King Janaka, on hearing the words of Sage Vasishta replies as follows with great sincerity.
“ Revered Sage, who is standing in your way and preventing you and the King Dasaratha from entering and performing the marriage rites.? There is no one to give any orders here.!
Why should you think of formalities..? How can there be formalities in your own house.? This kingdom belongs to you.”
“Oh Bhagavan Vasishta, you the Best among sages,
My daughters have all been prepared with all purificatory and sacred rites like rakshabandanam and they are present near the sacrificial altar and they are all shining like the flames of fire.
Then he addresses King Dasaratha.
“Your Royal Highness, I am awaiting here on this stage along with my daughters just looking for the arrival of your party.. Why should be any delay.?. You may order the rites to be performed.”
Listening to the cordial words of Janaka, Dasaratha leads his sons to the place of marriage.. The huge group of Sages also keep them company.
Then the King of Videha, Janaka, makes the following request to the great Sage Vasishta..
“ Oh great Sage, may you be pleased to conduct the rituals ordained by the Scriptures, assisted bythe other great sages present here.
May you be pleased to conduct the marriage of Rama, the one who is the dearest to the whole of the world..
You know all that is to be known about the rituals and procedures..
Nothing is beyond your knowledge. Therefore, may you be pleased to conduct the ritual in the most befitting manner..
You are the brahma rishi and the son of brahma deva himself. “
to be continued in Part 2...
link to part 2
यस्मिंस्तु दिवसे राजा चक्रे गोदानमुत्तमम्।
तस्मिंस्तु दिवसे शूरो युधाजित्वभ्यपेयिवान्॥१
पुत्रः केकयराजस्य साक्षद्भरतमातुलः।
दृष्ट्वा पृष्ट्वा च कुशलं राजानमिदमब्रवीत्॥२
केकयाधिपती राजा स्नेहात् कुशलमब्रवीत्।
येषां कुशलकामोऽसि तेषां संप्रत्यनामयं॥३
स्वस्रीयं मम राजेन्द्र द्रष्टुकामो महीपतिः।
तदर्थमुपयातोऽहमयोध्यां रघुनन्दन॥४
श्रुत्वा त्वहमयोध्यायां विवाहार्थं तवात्मजान्।
मिथिलामुपयातांस्तु त्वया सह महीपते॥५
त्वरयाभ्युपयातोऽहं द्रष्टुकामः स्वसुः सुतम्।
तस्य त्वं राजशार्दूल प्रीतिं कर्तुमिहार्हसि॥६
तस्यतद्वचनं श्रुत्वा मधुरं मधुराक्षरम्।
अथ राजा दशरथः प्रियातिथिमुपस्थितम्।
दृष्ट्वा परमसत्कारैः पूजनार्हमपूजयत्॥७
ततस्तामुषितो रात्रिं सह पुत्रैर्महात्मभिः।
प्रभाते पुनरुत्थाय कृत्वा कर्माणि तत्ववित्।
ऋषींस्तदा पुरस्कृत्य यज्ञवाटमुपागमत्॥८
युक्ते मुहूर्ते विजये सर्वाभरणभूषितः।
भ्रातृभिः सहितो रामः कृतकौतुकमङ्गळः।९
वसिष्ठं पुरतः कृत्वा महर्षीनपरानपि।
पितुः समीपमाश्रित्य तस्थौ भ्रातृभिरावृतः॥१०
वसिष्ठो भगवानेत्य वैदेहमिदमब्रवीत्॥११
राजा दशरथो राजन् कृतकौतुकमङ्गळैः।
पुत्रैर्नरवरश्रेष्ट दातारमभिकाङ्क्षते॥१२
दातृप्रतिगृहीताभ्यां सर्वार्त्थाः प्रभवन्ति हि॥
स्वधर्मं प्रतिपद्यस्व कृत्वा वैवाह्यमुत्तमम्।१३
इत्युक्तः परमोदारः वसिष्ठेन महात्मना।
प्रत्युवाच महातेजा वाक्यं परमधर्मवित्॥१४
कः स्थितो प्रतिहारो मे कस्याज्ञा संप्रतीक्ष्यते।
स्वगृहे को विचारोऽस्ति यथा राज्यमिदं तव॥१५
कृतकौतुकसर्वस्वाः वेदिमूलमुपागताः।
मम कन्याः मुनिश्रेष्ठा दीप्ता वह्नेरिवार्च्चिषः।१६
सज्जोऽहं त्वत् प्रतीक्षोऽस्मि वेद्यामस्याम् प्रतिष्ठतः।
अविघ्नं क्रियतां राजन् किमर्त्थमवलंबसे॥१७
तद्वाक्यं जनकेनोक्तं श्रुत्वा दशरथस्तदा।
प्रवेशयामास सुतान् सर्वानृषिगणानपि॥१८
ततो राजा विदेहानां वसिष्ठमिदमब्रवीत्।
कारयस्व ऋषे सम्यगृषिभिः सह धार्मिकः।
रामस्य लोकरामस्य क्रियां वैवाहिकीं प्रभो॥१९
त्वया न विदितं किञ्चिन्नास्ति ब्रह्मविदां वर।
तस्मात् त्वमेव ब्रह्मर्षे अशेषं कर्तुमर्हसि॥२०

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