Wednesday, August 16, 2023

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The encounter between Rama, the son of Dasartatha and Rama the Bhargava..(Parashurama). continued
link to earlier post
After listening to the words of Parashurama, Rama the prince replied.
“ Oh the best among brahmins born in the clan of Bhrigu, I have heard about your destruct action performed in retaliation to the wrong done to your father. I am prepared to act according to your wishes.
Oh Bhargava, you have wrongly understood that I am a person lacking in courage and that I am incapable of discharging my duties as a warrior… a kshatriya.
You can witness my valour, today, this moment..”
Saying thus, and overcome by anger, Rama grabbed the bow and the arrows from Parashurama with great ease.
And after tying the bowstring and mounting the arrow on the Vaishnava bow, Rama declared to Parashurama with livid anger..
“Sir, you are eligible to be worshipped by me as you are a brahmin, and you are respected all the more because you are the cousin of Sage Vishvamitra who is held in great reverence by me. Therefore, I am not venturing to send an arrow against you and cause loss of life.
This bow and arrow are divine and obviously connected to Lord Vishnu himself and an arrow sent by this bow can fetch victory over anything.. there can be no two views about it.
It is capable of destroying the strength and arrogance of the enemies.. and once applied the arrow shall not fail to achieve its purpose.
Therefore, I offer you two options.
You are capable of travelling with ease all over the universe on account of the powers of penance earned by you.
Also, you have accumulated sufficient wealth of penance that would secure you comfortable existence in any of the heavens.
I shall train my arrow and take away from you either of the two possessions you have.”
As Rama the son of Dasaratha was making this statement before Parashurama-- holding the great Vaishnava bow in his hands and in alert preparation to shoot an arrow--the gods in heaven with Brahmadeva in the lead, along with groups of Rishis, gandharvas, apsaras, sidhdhas, charanas, kinnaras, yakshas, rakshasas and nagas gathered together in the sky to witness the glorious event.
And as the Prince Rama aimed his arrow at Parashurama, the entire universe remained still and the Son of Jamadagni also stood there in numb bewilderment.
Then Parashurama told Rama, the son of Dasarata.
“ Oh Rama, protect me, protect me, you the valorous one.
I had gifted all the earth to sage Kashyapa who presided over the Rajasooya sacrifice conducted by me.. and he had instructed that I should not stay overnight on this earth..
Therefore, honouring the words of my guru, I would not stay on this earth during night time.
Hence, I request that you may be pleased not to obstruct my capacity to travel between this world and other places.
I shall return to the Mahendra mountains at the earliest.
However, I have earned right over all these worlds through the power of my penance.
May you be pleased to train your arrow on the accumulation of that right and take over for yourself all the great punyams of penance.
I know very well that you are Vishnu, the slayer of the demon Madhu, that you are imperishable.
May all that is productive of welfare and grace happen to you..
The gods and other celestial beings are presently watching from the heaven, the limitless prowess of yours.
And I am not feeling any shame or loss of honour or sense of being insulted because I know that I am humbled only by the Lord of the three worlds, Narayana Himself.
Rama, the son of Dasaratha, may you be pleased to send your arrow as requested by me and once you complete that task, I shall return to the Mahendra mountains to live there in eternal penance.”
Rama the prince, released the arrow as per the wishes of Parashurama and after witnessing the process by which his huge power of penance was taken away by Rama, Parashurama returned to Mahendra mountains..
Here, it is not a story of defeat of one divine power by another.. In fact, the Vaishnava power retained with Parashurama was just transferred to Rama.. The Shaiva energy had already been absorbed by Rama when he broke the bow of Shiva.. the thryambaka earlier..

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