Wednesday, August 16, 2023

मित्रद्रोहो हि पातकः

यस्य वृक्षस्य शाखायां निषीदेत शयेत वा।
न तस्य शाखां भञ्जेथा मित्रद्रोहो हि पातकः॥
yasya vṛkṣasya śākhāyāṁ niṣīdeta śayeta vā|
na tasya śākhāṁ bhañjethā mitradroho hi pātakaḥ||
One who has taken rest under the shadow of a tree, or has slept to his hearts contents lying down in that cool niche should never cut off the branches of that very tree ..
Causing damage to a friend and benefactor is an unpardonable sin..
A quote from Jathaka.. the series of stories in the Buddhistic way.. written mostly in Pali language..
k v ananthanarayanan

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