Saturday, August 19, 2023

स एव धन्यो विपदि स्वरूपं यो न मुञ्चति

स एव धन्यो विपदि स्वरूपं यो न मुञ्चति।
त्यजत्यर्ककरैस्तप्तं हिमं देहं न शीतताम्॥
सुभाषितशतके १-१६
sa eva dhanyo vipadi svarūpaṁ yo na muñcati|
tyajatyarkakaraistaptaṁ himaṁ dehaṁ na śītatām||
subhāṣitaśatake 1-16
A person who does not abandon his own inherent noble character and stature even when he faces great dangers, is the one who is the really accomplished and great one.
The snow, when stuck by the hot rays of the sun, just melts and loses its own body.. but as long as it is snow, it never gives up its capacity to cool.
Yes, there is only one life and just one death for anyone who is born..
The way he would like to live and even to end his life can be chosen by him..
Of course it is his own choice to live a wretched, worthless life, and pass into oblivion.
The choice to live an exemplay life is also with him.
k v ananthanarayanan

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