Thursday, August 17, 2023

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙗𝙚𝙣𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙤𝙛 𝙆𝙖𝙪𝙨𝙖𝙡𝙮𝙖...

The benediction of Kausalya...
This is a very poignant description from the Ayodhya Kandam of Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam..
Usually, a mother showers her blessings on her child when there is something very happy and beneficial that is happening ..
But here, Rama's proposed pattaabhishekam is interrupted by the demand of two boons from Dasharatha by Kaikeyi..
Rama is about to proceed for his life in Forest for fourteen years.. And Lakshman and Sita too are accompanying him.
Rama is visiting Kausalya to bid her adieu..
She tells him
यन्मङ्गळम् सहस्राक्षे सर्व्वदेवनमस्कृते वृत्रनाशे समभवत् तत्ते भवतु मङ्गळम्॥३२
यन्मङ्गळम् सुपर्णस्य विनताऽकल्पयत् पुरा अमृतम् प्रार्थयानस्य् तत्ते भवतु मङ्गळम्॥३३
अमृतोत्पादने दैत्यान् घ्नतो वज्रधरस्य यत् अदितिर्म्मङ्गळम् प्रादात् तत्ते भवतु मङ्गळम्॥३२
त्रीन् विक्रमान् प्रक्रमतो विष्णोरमिततेजसाः यदासीन्मङ्गळम् राम तत्ते भवतु मङ्गळम्॥३५
ऋतवः सागराः द्वीपाः वेदा लोका दिशश्च ते मङ्गळानि महाबाहो दिशन्तु तव सर्व्वदा॥३६
yanmaṅgaḻam sahasrākṣe sarvvadevanamaskṛte vṛtranāśe samabhavat tatte bhavatu maṅgaḻam||32
yanmaṅgaḻam suparṇasya vinatā'kalpayat purā amṛtam prārthayānasy tatte bhavatu maṅgaḻam||33
amṛtotpādane daityān ghnato vajradharasya yat aditirmmaṅgaḻam prādāt tatte bhavatu maṅgaḻam||32
trīn vikramān prakramato viṣṇoramitatejasāḥ yadāsīnmaṅgaḻam rāma tatte bhavatu maṅgaḻam||35
ṛtavaḥ sāgarāḥ dvīpāḥ vedā lokā diśaśca te maṅgaḻāni mahābāho diśantu tava sarvvadā||36
वाल्मीकिरामायणे अयोध्याकाण्डे २५ सर्गे
vālmīkirāmāyaṇe ayodhyākāṇḍe 25 sarge
All the gods praised and offered pranmas to Indra their thousand eyed leader of the divine beings and offered him benedictions and wishes for prosperity and Grace ( Mangalam) on the occasion of the destruction of the demon Vritra..
May all similar benedictions and wishes and wishes visit you, my son..
Vinata, the mother of Garuda, offered best wishes for prosperity and Grace to her son the powerful bird, when he set out in his valiant mission of bringing Amrutham from the celestial world to release her from slavery ..
May similar benedictions and wishes visit you, my son..
When Indra the wielder of thunderbolt as a weapon, set out to defeat the demons who had run away with the pot of nectar or Amrutam which was churned out of the milky ocean, Mother Aditi offered him benedictions and wishes for prosperity and Grace ..
May similar benedictions and wishes visit you, my son.
There was a shower of benedictions and wishes for prosperity and Grace (Mangalam) from all around when that Vishnu of infinite strength and resplendence took the Shape of Trivikrama and set out to cover the entire universe with his huge footsteps ( three)..
May similar benedictions and wishes visit you, my son.
May the seasons, the islands, the Scriptures (Vedas) all the worlds, all the cardinal directions all shower on you of very strong hands and physical prowess benedictions and wishes for prosperity and Grace for ever and ever..
I think no mothers would venture to offer such blessings on the occasion when the son is leaving all the prosperity, fine life, and his parents too to live in a forest..
But Kausalya was not an ordinary mother..
She knew what glory was in store for her son.. during his sojourn in forest..
I offer my Pranams and offer my best wishes and prayers and wishes to those beings of Divinity.. Sri Rama with Sitadevi, Lakshmana and Anjaneya..

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