Sunday, August 27, 2023

समौ चिद्धस्तौ न समं विविष्टः सम्मातरा चिन्न समं दुहाते।

समौ चिद्धस्तौ न समं विविष्टः सम्मातरा चिन्न समं दुहाते। यमयोश्चिन्न समा वीर्याणि ज्ञाति चित्सन्तो न समं पृणितः॥
ऋग्वेदे १०-११७-९
samau ciddhastau na samaṁ viviṣṭaḥ sammātarā cinna samaṁ duhāte| yamayościnna samā vīryāṇi jñāti citsanto na samaṁ pṛṇitaḥ||
ṛgvede 10-117-9
(समौ चित्-हस्तौ समं न विविष्टः) समानावपि हस्तौ कार्ये न समानं प्रवेश कुरुतः
(सं मातरा चित्-न समं दुहाते) शिशोर्निर्माणकर्त्र्यो द्वौ धात्र्यौ समानं दुग्धं न पाययतः
(यमयोः-चित्-न समा वीर्याणि) सहजातयोर्मनुष्ययोर्न समानि बलानि भवन्ति
(ज्ञाती चित् सन्तौ न समं पृणीतः) एकवंशकौ पुरुषावपि धनादिना समानं न तर्पयतः दाने न स्पर्धा तुलना वा कार्या दानं तु स्वश्रद्धया देयम्-दातव्यमेव ॥९॥
a great quote from Rigvedam.. it implies that even persons or things originating from the very same source may not be equally good or beneficial in their attributes and achievements.. So doing favour or disfavour by comparing their status is prohibited. There should be no discrimination among donees while we are making gifts or offering benefits.
The meaning of the mantram is
Every man is born with two hands.. But when it comes to action the two hands act with varied efficiencies.
The same mother or foster mother might be feeding two children.. but the quality and quantity of such nurturing cannot be exactly same..
( Some also interpret this line as indicating two cows from the same mother cow.. giving different quantity of milk)
Even two siblings born as twins never possess or grow up having the same physical strength
Therefore people, friends and relatives of the same origin or clan may not all be equal.. But the consideration while making gifts or assistance to them should not vary for that reason..
We should not discriminate just because all in group have not equally attainment..
The idea of egalitarianism with a human face..
It is heartening to find that idea embedded in our first Veda.. the Rig Veda.. whose composition is traced back to ten millenniums by some scholars and not later than five millinniums by others.
k v ananthanarayanan

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