Monday, August 28, 2023

musings 159

The relation between the maker and his creation can be very simple, or the most complicated as the created being makes it out for itself..

There is absolutely no confusion on the part of the maker. In fact what we see in our God is just our own reflection .
The supreme being, it would appear, is just a plane mirror, with the only difference that the image is not having lateral inversion..
The simple belief that He has sent us to this earth with a purpose known to Him alone and that we are just moving along the path illuminated by Him.. is the easiest and the best.
From this simple article of faith, we can, if we choose, make the relation more and more complex..
We first complicate the issue by trying to superimpose our whims and fancies over His exalted will and wisdom..
We go further to expect that He should run our lives as we wish and this is something which cannot make any sense..
Just think if each constituent of the universe is acting or is expecting the maker to act according to their own wishes!
There can be only chaos, and God is not there to create chaos and destroy his own sweet creation..
Further we go and start comparing our relation with Him with that of another being with God..
This complicates the issue further.
A parent loves all his children equally, as a rule..
So why should the children compare the depth of His love and make life complicated?
Then the relationship becomes most complicated when the being created by Him starts to barter and negotiate with Him, saying that he will offer this or that to the Maker in return to any favour shown..
In the first place, all that is with the creation belong to the Maker, and what is there to barter or give as a prize?
Faith in Him with no expectations and no challenges is the best way of connection we can make with Him.
But we are living mostly with an illusion of self importance..

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