Friday, September 01, 2023

दारिद्र्यात् पुरुषस्य बान्धवजनो वाक्ये न सन्तिष्ठते

दारिद्र्यात् पुरुषस्य बान्धवजनो वाक्ये न सन्तिष्ठते
सत्यं हास्यमुपैति शीलशशिनः कान्तिः परिम्लायते।
निर्वैरा विमुखीभवन्ति सुहृदः स्फीता भवन्त्यापदः
पापं कर्म यत् परैरपिकृतं तत्तस्य संभाव्यते॥
भासकवेः चारुदत्ते १-६
dāridryāt puruṣasya bāndhavajano vākye na santiṣṭhate
satyaṁ hāsyamupaiti śīlaśaśinaḥ kāntiḥ parimlāyate|
nirvairā vimukhībhavanti suhṛdaḥ sphītā bhavantyāpadaḥ
pāpaṁ karma yat parairapikṛtaṁ tattasya saṁbhāvyate||
bhāsakaveḥ cārudatte 1-6
ദാരിദ്ര്യാത്‌ പുരുഷസ്യ ബാന്ധവജനോ വാക്യേ ന സന്തിഷ്ഠതേ
സത്യം ഹാസ്യമുപൈതി ശീലശശിനഃ കാന്തിഃ പരിമ്ലായതേ.
നിര്വൈരാ വിമുഖീഭവന്തി സുഹൃദഃ സ്ഫീതാ ഭവന്ത്യാപദഃ
പാപം കര്മ്മ യത്‌ പരൈരപികൃതം തത്തസ്യ സംഭാവ്യതേ..
ഭാസകവേഃ ചാരുദത്തേ ൧-൬
I posted a subhashitam on the state of affairs of a person afflicted by poverty..
Similar ideas are conveyed by the Great poet Bhasa in his great drama Charudaatam.. Act I
If a man is poor,
his relatives will not care to listen to his words
his sincerity and honesty would be treated with ridicule
the moonlike shine of his good character would be made to look clouded for no reason whatsoever
even the friends, who have no reason to feel enmity to him would just turn away their faces
the dangers that he encounters would be doubly intense and painful
even the sins and wrongful actions perpetrated by others would be tied to his head..

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