Friday, September 01, 2023


in school texts and anthologies, slokams and quotes are classified as subhashitams are usually extracted from great works like Kavyams, Natakams etc of ealier era..
All the compilations of Subhashitams are published like that..
The editors usually give the original reference wherever they could spot such reference..
What happens is that in a literature like that of Sankrit, which is in existence for tens of thousands of years, some of the Kavyams and Natakams would have gone into oblivion, but some quotes remain ever green and in wide circulation..|
They are often grouped under the blanket terms like Subhashitam, ChatuSlokam etc
..And another point to be noted is that the same slokams often repeat in Valmikiramayanam, Mahabharatham and some puranas and later works too..( There may be slokams from even Vedas and Upanishads getting repeated in other works)
People care more about content.. and less about authroship and copyright.. At least they should .
But there are a set of showy pseudo intellectuals who would read and care for quotes only if such quotes are attributed to some standard scripture or a noted author..
In fact we have to accept universal facts, without bothering about the source..
But we are usually vain and showy..
We cannot help it..

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