Tuesday, September 12, 2023

दुर्जनस्य श्वपुच्छस्य

दुर्जनस्य श्वपुच्छस्य व्यालस्योष्ट्रगलस्य च।
न मन्त्रेनौषधैर्वापि ऋजुता जातु जायते॥
रामायण मञ्जरी ६-३१३
durjanasya śvapucchasya vyālasyoṣṭragalasya ca|
na mantrenauṣadhairvāpi ṛjutā jātu jāyate||
rāmāyaṇa mañjarī 6-313
Another down to earth thought reflected in an ancient saying.
The following things or persons who are by nature crooked cannot ever be straightened up by any means, be it medicines, mantrams or spells..
The minds and activities of evil fellows
The tail of a dog
The body of a snake
The hump at the back of a camel..
Of course we can add a few more items to the list.. But it is not correct to exceed the brief.. provided by an ancient poet..
Of course, the canine tail, serpentine anatomy or camels beauty would hardly affect us in real terms, but the crookedness of some fellows create havoc for all..
k v ananthanarayanan.

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