Sunday, November 26, 2023

"Belief".. the word is noble..

"Belief".. the word is noble..
it should not be mixed with sycophancy and opportunism....
the Blessed Lord Himself declared that even though He was the Supreme Being not bound by duties, He was performing the duties as a human being when He is so incarnate..
He makes it clear in Gita
Na me partha asti karthavyam thrishu lokeshu kinchana na avaaptam avaaptavyam varta eva hi karmani....
न मे पार्थास्ति कर्तव्यं त्रिषु लोकेषु किञ्चन नानवाप्तमवाप्तव्यं वर्त एव हि कर्मणि
The God Himself sets such an example about work ethics..
So if belief in God would mean crass escapism, God is not likely to help...
We should turn to God when our resources have dried up and our ingenuity and dexterity will no longer carry the day for us..
And in most texts we can read one underlying principle running like a golden thread...
God is on the side of the right and He does not subscribe to the view that anything can be made right by praising God or just recruiting Him as a partner to that action..
At least this is the concept of God we can find in the majority of Scriptures of any religion worth its name..
And definitely it is foolish for anyone to switch over religions, just to get favours from God of another religion, mostly lured by glib purveyors of faith..
Because we will find the same God on the other side of the fence too...

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