Sunday, November 26, 2023

reputation and dignity above everything.

reputation and dignity above everything.
तावदाश्रीयते लक्ष्म्या तावदस्य स्थिरं यशः।
पुरुषस्तावदेवासौ यावन्मानान्न हीयते॥
महाकविभारविप्रणिते किरातार्जुनीये १७-४०
tāvadāśrīyate lakṣmyā tāvadasya sthiraṁ yaśaḥ|
puruṣastāvadevāsau yāvanmānānna hīyate||
mahākavibhāravipraṇite kirātārjunīye 17-40
The great poet Bharavi is highlighting the importance of the role unblemished good name and respectability and dignity in the life of a man.
He says
A human being can earn and enjoy wealth
can earn more and more fame and popularity
can remain in this world as a dignified human being
only till the time his dignity and respectability in the public eyes is in tact.. and he does not fall into disrepute..
A good name and dignified social status was placed even above material possessions those days in India.
Whether that is the case today.. is a question mark..???
word analysis
असौ नरः the human being
तावदेव लक्ष्म्या आश्रीयते is in the company of wealth and grace only till that time
तावद् एव अस्य यशः स्थिरं has his reputation considered as great only till the time
तावदेव असौ पुरुषः is actually a really respectable man only till the time
यावत् सः मानात् न हीयते that he is keeping intact his respectability and good name and he does not fall from the pedestal of respectability..

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