Wednesday, November 22, 2023

यस्तु खले चरति सत्कारम्

व्योमनि शम्बाकुरुते चित्रं निर्माति यत्नतः सलिले। स्नपयति पवनं सलिलैः यस्तु खले चरति सत्कारम्॥ सुभाषितरत्नभाण्डागारे

vyomani śambākurute citraṁ nirmāti yatnataḥ salile| snapayati pavanaṁ salilaiḥ yastu khale carati satkāram|| subhāṣitaratnabhāṇḍāgāre

Extending goodwill and hospitality to evil ruffians is a wasteful activity. Often it count be counterproductive too. This fact is illustrated in this ancient piece of wisdom from Subhashitaratnabhandagaram

A person who tries to make measurements and peform agricultural operations like ploughing in the empty open sky, A person who is dutifully engaged in drawing pictures on the surface of water, A person who hopes to purify the flowing wind by throwing water at it.. All these are sailing the same boat with the one who is keen to extend hospitality, who does a good turn to an evil minded fellow.

The three activities stated above would simply drain off the energy and resources of the person who attempts these. Helping an evil minded fellow too is the same. Maybe the evil fellow would hit back too.

K v a

यः who खले to a nasty ruffian सत्कारं hospitality, favour कुरुते does सः he व्योमनि in the sky शम्बा कुरुते try to measure and plough यत्नतः with great effort सलिले on the surface of wate चित्रं pictrues निर्माति make, draw पवनं the air, the wind सलिलै with water स्नापयति try to bathe वा too

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