Tuesday, November 21, 2023

musings 173

After all, different methods of worship of God, within the same religion, or by different religions is just like taking food prepared in various forms, or water drunk from different sources..
No one can ever say that only some particular sort of food should be taken.. or water from some particular source along should be consumed..
We have to take care that we take health food, we drink pure (to the extent possible) water..
And we take care to avoid pollution adulteration and decay, we ensure clean environments..
Likewise it would be okay if we can worship and pray the way we are accustomed to, the way we are comfortable with, the way we have been trained....
Healthy food taken in whatever way nourishes and sustains the body..
And sincere prayer and worship in whatever form would surely ensure our wholesome existence..
Usually we do not seriously mind about what food another person takes,,
But to destroy or pollute our own food or the food meant for anyone else is a crime.
Similarly we should not pollute our prayers with prejudices,
and we should not act in any destructive manner against the modes of worship followed by others..
Without food and water, we will not live long..
Without prayers too...
Life is so simple .

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