Monday, November 20, 2023

musings 172

Ultimately there are two very important and equally relevant aspects to human thought.. The original thoughts from a raw and impartial mind not coloured by any isms or faiths.. a mind is guided only by logical reasoning at its best which it could follow within its cognitive faculties.. Here the only limitation is that which is imposed by nature.. and perhaps the environments and material conditions which affected acquisition and honing of such cognitive capacities..
The second manifestation of our thoughts is that which is affected by our prejudices, which are mostly due to our loyalties and peer pressure, uncertainties and many other social and local factors.. We talk of Hinduism, or Abrahamic religions... theories of Karma and after death existence and most other things standing in the second platform.. I do not say it is wrong. After all we are affected by whatever is happening around us.
But an original thinker would rather prefer to confess that he really has no ideas about such things in absolute terms and close his argument there.. He is also right.
In a discussion, one should clearly convey which system he is following and he should take care not to switch systems without warning and without notifying others in the group..
I think a lot of apparent acrimony or even talk at cross purposes can be avoided if we follow the ground rules.
If a man who knows only Arabic and another who knows only Malayalam or Tamil start arguing with hands of both tied, just imagine what will happen ?

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