Friday, December 01, 2023

किं जिह्वया हरिगुणालपनालसाया

किं जिह्वया हरिगुणालपनालसाया
किं करेण हरिकार्यपराङ्ग्मुखेन।
नेत्रेण किं हरिविलोचनवञ्चितेन
श्रोत्रेण किं हरिकथाश्रवणालसेन॥
kiṁ jihvayā hariguṇālapanālasāyā
kiṁ kareṇa harikāryaparāṅgmukhena|
netreṇa kiṁ harivilocanavañcitena
śrotreṇa kiṁ harikathāśrvaṇālasen||
Can there be any purpose for this tongue to exist if it is reluctant to praise the glories of Krishna the Hari all the time ?
What can be the utility for these hands if they are averse to engage themselves in the service of Hari for ever?
Is there any meaning in having the two eyes if they are denied the fortune of having the sweet vision of Krishna
If the two years are not capable of listening to the worthy stories of Hari, then for what purpose do they exist ?

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