Friday, December 01, 2023

स्वमस्तकसमारूढं मृत्युं पश्येज्जनो यदि

स्वमस्तकसमारूढं मृत्युं पश्येज्जनो यदि।
आहारोऽपि न रोचेत किमुतान्या विभूतयः॥
svamastakasamārūḍhaṁ mṛtyuṁ paśyejjano yadi|
āhāro'pi na roceta kimutānyā vibhūtayaḥ||
If a person has some good sense to see and recognize the God of death sitting right on his forehead, then it is quite unlikely that he will relish even the food he has to take the next time. If such realization arrives he would not run round and round seeking wealth comforts and ostentation.

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