Wednesday, December 13, 2023

musings 193

But then we human beings do not really know what is really pleasant for us and what is not..
I was just scratching a part of my body which was itching.. As the scratching progressed it was a very heavenly experience..
But after a few scratches with the sharp nail, there was even a mild wound and it started bleeding too..
After the initial pleasure, it was burning and bleeding for almost a day. and I felt like hell.
This may look like a silly example..
But in fact this imagery, if projected to other more serious situations, would tell us and others a lot of things..
The impending pain lurking behind temporary happiness...
I think it is a vicious circle..
The interjections in social media are apparently annoying, and we may show off our displeasure, but when we are rewarded with insolence or quiet rejection, a part of the mind gets disturbed. and gets even panicky .
and the reaction of each Individual to such situation vary considerably.

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