Thursday, December 14, 2023

we own nothing... true.. but an exception..

we own nothing... true..
but an exception..
each one of us own Him, the God..
that rogue Krishna
If we do not own Him, why should He take the trouble of keeping company with us even after we are dead.?
Why should He be with us when we have lost everything else?
Sure, He alone is with us when everything is gone, or even when we are dead.
God is a commodity which will not go out of stock even if it is divided among infinite number of people.
Perhaps the only such commodity....
And even the atheists and agnostics own God..
but they just try to push Him away from themselves..
most of the time without succes.
and in spite of that He clings on even to them in the hope that someday, even they the agnosts and atheists too will really take possession of Him
God is shameless..
Then He is right..
Why should He show inhibitions with His children?
Even our physical parents are shameless that way..
I think God is the only one who never gives up His hopes on us..

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