Friday, December 08, 2023

vyaasa vachanam

Vyaasa vachanam..
महर्षिर्भगवान् व्यासः कृत्वेमां संहितां पुरा।
श्लोकैश्चतुर्भिर् धर्मात्मा पुत्रम् अध्यापयत् शुकम्॥
मातापितृसहस्राणि पुत्रदाराशतानि च।
संसारेष्वनुभूतानि यान्ति यास्यन्ति चापरे॥
हर्षस्थानसहस्राणि भयस्थानशतानि च।
दिवसे दिवसे मूढं आविशन्ति न पण्डितम्॥
ऊर्ध्वबाहुर्विरौम्येष न कश्चित् शृणोति मे।
धर्मादर्थश्च कामश्च स किमर्थं न सेव्यते॥
न जातु कामान्न भयात् न लोभात्
धर्मं त्यजेत् जीवितस्यापि हेतोः।
धर्मो नित्यः सुखदुःखे तु अनित्ये
जीवो नित्यो हेतुरस्य त्वनित्यः॥
इमां भारतसावित्रीं प्रातरुत्थाय यः पठेत्।
स भारतफलं प्राप्य परं ब्रह्माधिगच्च्छति॥
maharṣirbhagavān vyāsaḥ kṛtvemāṃ saṃhitāṃ purā।
ślokaiścāturbhir dharmātmā putram adhyāpayat śukam॥
mātāpitṛsahasrāṇi putradārāśatāni ca।
saṃsāreṣvanubhūtāni yānti yāsyanti cāpare॥
harṣasthānasahasrāṇi bhayasthānaśatāni ca।
divase divase mūḍhaṃ āviśanti na paṇḍitam॥
ūrdhvabāhurviraumyeṣa na kaścit śṛṇoti me।
dharmādarthaśca kāmaśca sa kimarthaṃ na sevyate॥
na jātu kāmānna bhayāt na lobhāt
dharmaṃ tyajet jīvitasyāpi hetoḥ।
dharmo nityaḥ sukhaduḥkhe tu anitye
jīvo nityo heturasya tvanityaḥ॥
imāṃ bhāratasāvitrīṃ prātarutthāya yaḥ paṭhet।
sa bhārataphalaṃ prāpya paraṃ brahmādhigaccchati॥
The dharmasastras prescribe that we should recite the above Verses of Vyasa.. supposed to be the essence of Mahabharatam.. every morning.
The great Sage, the revered Bhagavaan Vyasa, the human embodiment of Dharma Himself after creating the Vedas, Puranas and Mahabharatham, taught His own son Shuka the following four verses..
We assume many lives and we get thousands of fathers and mothers, we get hundreds of wives and sons and daughters.. in this world of woe we have enjoyed in their company and endured them in many lives .
.some of these have come and gone, and some of these are yet to be born.. The cycle goes on as we take repeated lives.
The man of clouded mind, the uneducated and untrained mind seem to derive great joy from thousands of situations which are supposed to be sources of such enjoyment..
He is terrified day in and day out through hundreds fearful situations arising out of the worldly sources of threat.
But neither joy, nor fear, affect the persons who is having real knowledge and has attained maturity..
I (Vyasa) is repeatedly telling aloud with raised hands to all people around me about this.. but no one hears me..
They never realize that acquisition of wealth and fulfillment of desires should be pursued only by following the path of Virtue..
Never should a person abandon the path of Dharma or righteousness
even if he is tempted by worldly desired
even if he is challenged by fear
even if he is driven by avariciousness and cupidity
He should not leave Dharma even for the sake of his own life.
Because, the Dharma is eternal, but the feeling of pleasure and pain are temporary and unreal
the life is eternal and does not end with death.. but the ways and means which are adopted outside the control of Dharma are fleeting and unreal
The set of Shlokas are called Bharata Savitri..
A person should recite it and imbibe its content every morning while he gets up
If he does so , he receives the virtue to be attained by studying Bharatham.. and he would reach the abode of Brahma when his term of life on this earth is over..
k v ananthanarayanan

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