Friday, January 12, 2024

बलाद्धि विवृणोत्येव भावमन्तर्गर्तं नृणाम्


आकाराच्छाद्यमानोऽपि न शक्यो परिगूहितुम्।
बलाद्धि विवृणोत्येव भावमन्तर्गर्तं नृणाम्॥
वाल्मीकिरामायणे महासुभाषितसङ्ग्रहे ४२६४

ākārācchādyamāno'pi na śakyo parigūhitum|
balāddhi vivṛṇotyeva bhāvamantargartaṁ nṛṇām||
vālmīkirāmāyaṇe mahāsubhāṣitasaṅgrahe 4264

It would be virtually impossible to cover up or conceal one’s true physical features and shape even if a person tries his level best to do so. The true colours of men reveal themselves forcibly in spite of all attempts at deception or camouflague

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