Friday, January 12, 2024

धर्मार्थिनं तथाल्पोऽपि रागदोषो विनाशयेत्

कोटराग्निर् यथाशेषं समूलं पादपं दहेत्।
धर्मार्थिनं तथाल्पोऽपि रागदोषो विनाशयेत्॥
महासुभाषितसङ्ग्रहे ११५१६ महाभारते
koṭarāgnir yathāśeṣaṁ samūlaṁ pādapaṁ dahet|
dharmārthinaṁ tathālpo'pi rāgadoṣo vināśayet||
mahāsubhāṣitasaṅgrahe 11516 mahābhārate
In a huge tree, many hollows in trunks are formed over the years. Birds and other creatures often occupy those hollows for shelter and breeding too. Some birds build nests there and for this purposes they bring in dry leaves, dry branches etc and place them too in such hollows. It would so happen that due to heat or rubbing of branches sparks may develop and some such sparks could ignite fire inside such hollows. The start of such fire would be very slow and unobtrusive. But the fire would burn steadily and in time it will ensure that the branch, leaves and the tree as a whole along with its roots is completely gutted.
In a similar manner a person may be growing in stature and comforts through good and righteous living. But some deviation or slip from the path of righteousness through excessive sensual attachment or other desires might affect him. Initially the effects of such misconduct might be completely invisible. However the malady, once started would spread over his entire life like a cancer, like a steady fire, and would destroy him too in toto.

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