Wednesday, January 10, 2024

न च सुखान्यविघ्नानि

चन्दनतरुषु भुजङ्गाः जलेषु कमलाः तत्र च ग्राहाः।
गुणघातिनश्च भोगे खलाः नचसुखान्यविघ्नानि॥
candanataruṣu bhujaṅgāḥ jaleṣu kamalāḥ tatra ca grāhāḥ|
guṇaghātinaśca bhoge khalāḥ nacasukhānyavighnāni||
Even if one discovers that there are objects that could give him a lot of happiness, it is very clear that he could never enjoy such comforts without roadblocks and impediments created by others
The fragrance and cold nature of sandal paste is highly enjoyable, but if one sets out to collect logs of sandalwood, he would be confronted by venomous snakes encircling the trees
The lotus flowers might be the last words in beauty but they grow in water, and the waterfront is infested by crocodiles. So a person who wants to collect lotus flowers would have to content with the presence of the killer crocodiles for sure.
And in society wherever something good and nice are about to happen, there would be toxic, venomous people who would do whatever they could manage to prevent such things happening. And if something is open for all to enjoy there would be exploiters who would interfere do all they could to destroy such happiness.

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