Wednesday, January 10, 2024

कामेऽनुरक्तिर्नरकार्थिपथा मार्गोऽपवर्गस्य च कृष्णभक्तिः

कामेऽनुरक्तिर्नरकार्थिपथा मार्गोऽपवर्गस्य च कृष्णभक्तिः।
येनेष्टसिद्धिर्व्रज तेन जीव द्वावेव मार्गौ पुरतस्तवैव॥
kāme'nuraktirnarakārthipathā mārgo'pavargasya ca kṛṣṇabhaktiḥ|
yeneṣtasiddhirvraja tena jīva dvāveva mārgau puratastavaiva||
If your deep desire is in pursuing the path of sensual pleasures, that route is going to take you to hell
If your yearning is to reach eternal heaven, the route you must take is simply Devotion for Krishna
You living being, you have only two routes open before you. You can choose either of the two as you desire. Of course the destination you reach would depend on the route you adopt.

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