Wednesday, January 03, 2024

विरुद्धैरपि वस्तव्यं साधुभिर्धर्मदर्शिभिः।

विरुद्धैरपि वस्तव्यं साधुभिर्धर्मदर्शिभिः।
दोषाः अपि हि साधूनां असतां च गुणैः समाः॥
viruddhairapi vastavyaṁ sādhubhirdharmadarśibhiḥ|
doṣāḥ api hi sādhūnāṁasatāṁ ca guṇaiḥ samāḥ||
We should ensure that we are always in the company of right thinking and honest people even if such people do not see eye to eye with us and often their stances in many things cause discomfort to us. Even the so-called bad qualities of people with sterling character are equal to or even better than what we perceive as virtue in evil-minded persons.

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