Tuesday, January 02, 2024

महात्मगुरुदेवानामश्रुपातः क्षितौ यदि

महात्मगुरुदेवानामश्रुपातः क्षितौ यदि।
देशभ्रंशो महद्दुःखं मरणं च भवेत् ध्रुवम्॥
mahātmagurudevānāmaśrupātaḥ kṣitau yadi|
deśabhraṁśo mahadduḥkhaṁ maraṇaṁ ca bhavet dhruvam||
If the state of affairs in a state are so wayward, cruel and miserable that the learned, mature and exalted saints and preceptors who might be equated to divinity shed their tears of agony and such teardrops fall on the ground, then the state or nation would fall in stature and break.. greatest sorrows and even mass deaths are sure to follow.

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