Friday, January 19, 2024

न द्वौ लोकावपि तनुभृतां राजसेवापराणाम्

नेषां सन्ध्याविधिरविकलो नाच्युतार्चार्पि साङ्गा।
न स्वे काले हवननियमो नापि वेदार्थचिन्ता॥
न क्षुद्वेला नियतमशनं नापि निद्रावकाशो
न द्वौ लोकावपि तनुभृतां राजसेवापराणाम्॥
neṣāṁ sandhyāvidhiravikalo nācyutārcārpi sāṅgā|
na sve kāle havananiyamo nāpi vedārthacintā||
na kṣudvelā niyatamaśanaṁ nāpi nidrāvakāśo
na dvau lokāvapi tanubhṛtāṁ rājasevāparāṇām||
They cannot adhere to the daily oblations to God in the dawn and dusk and midday, they can never think of performing a full and thorough ritualistic worship of Lord Achyuta, they cannot ever performs the fire rituals in time, and they cannot contemplate even in the remotest dreams about analysing the contents of scriptures like vedas
And they cannot think of a fixed time even to feel hungry or to take sufficient food. They have hardly any rights or opportunity to have sufficient sleep.
Thus poor human beings who landed up as servants of the King ( presently sincere government Servants) have forsaken all rights to live either in this world or in the world after death.
This slokam was written perhaps when the daily routines in worship and spirituality meant a lot for ordinary human beings too. People might not be spiritually inclined these days.
However the fact remains that the life in this world is lost for a sincere and duty conscious government servant.

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