Friday, January 19, 2024

मानसेनैव दुःखेन शरीरमुपतप्यते

मानसेनैव दुःखेन शरीरमुपतप्यते
अयःपिण्डेन तप्तेन कुम्भसंस्थमिवोदकम्
मानसं शमयेत्तस्मात् ज्ञानेनाग्निमिवाम्बुना।
प्रशान्ते मानसे दुःखे शरीरमुपशाम्यति॥
mānasenaiva duḥkhena śarīramupatapyate
ayaḥpiṇḍena taptena kumbhasaṁstavividākam|
mānasaṁ śamayettsmāt jñānenāgnimivāmbunā|
praśānte mānase duḥkhe śarīramupaśāmyati||
When the mind is filled with sorrow, the human body too burns in agony. It is similar to the fact that when a piece of white-hot piece of iron is placed near a pot filled with water, the water too gets heated to boiling point.
Therefore, one should take all care to pacify the mind and to maintain its calmness and to bring it to balance when it is disturbed. This can be achieved by applying the knowledge one has gained. Just as the water douses the burning fire, knowledge would destroy the effects of mental agony. And once the mind is calmed down, the body too would remain in peace.

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