Wednesday, February 07, 2024

अक्षेत्रवित् क्षेत्रविदम् ह्यप्राट् स प्रैति क्षेत्रविदानुशिष्टः

अक्षेत्रवित् क्षेत्रविदम् ह्यप्राट् स प्रैति क्षेत्रविदानुशिष्टः।
एतद् वै भद्रमनुशासनस्योत स्रुतिं विन्दत्यंजसीनाम्॥
ऋग्वेद १०-३२-७
akṣetravit kṣetravidam hyaprāṭ sa praiti kṣetravidānuśiṣṭaḥ|
etad vai bhadramanuśāsanasyota srutiṁ vindatyaṁjasīnām||
ṛgveda 10-32-7
The seeker who does not know the path forward asks for direction from the one who knows the way ahead. The one who already knows the path imparts the knowledge to the seeker and having been taught in the right way the seeker discovers the right path. The most hearty result of such exchange of knowledge is that the ignorant person who is instructed by the preceptor, too get enlightened and is enabled to utter the proper words and syllable and materials through which he can further enlighten other seekers.

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