Wednesday, February 07, 2024

करिष्यन् न प्रभाषेत कृतान्येव तु दर्शयेत्

करिष्यन् न प्रभाषेत कृतान्येव तु दर्शयेत्।
धर्मकामार्थकर्मानि तथा मन्त्रो न भिद्यते॥
महाभारते उद्योगपर्वणि
kariṣyan na prabhāṣeta kṛtānyeva tu darśayet|
dharmakāmārthakarmāni tathā mantro na bhidyate||
mahābhārate udyogaparvaṇi
When a person is either planning in in the process of execution of some activity in furtherance of either dharma or rules of propriety, or in fulfilment of his fond desires or with a view to earn some profit, he should not talk about the work or disclose to others his plan of action. He should only show the results of his successful projects. If he is careful in following this advice, he can live assured that his plans are not interfered with destructively or obstructed by powers that may be.

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