Wednesday, February 07, 2024

अजानन्दाहार्तिं विशति शलभो दीपदहनं

अजानन्दाहार्तिं विशति शलभो दीपदहनं
स मीनोऽपि अज्ञात्वा वृतवडिशमश्नाति पिशितम्।
विजानथोऽप्येतान्वयमिह विपज्जालजटिला
न्न मुञ्चामो कामानहह गहनो मोहमहिमा॥
ajānandāhārtiṁ viśati śalabho dīpadahanaṁ
samīno'pi jñātvā vṛtavaḍiśamaśnāti piśitam|
vijānatho'pyetānvayamiha vipajjālajaṭilā
nna muñcāmo kāmānahaha gahano mohamahimā||
The fly jumps into the burning wick of a lamp because it is ignorant of the danger of getting burned by the flame and becoming ashes .
The fish, eager to gobble up the dead fish attached to the curved end of a bait, without having any knowledge that the sharp edge of the bait would pierce its throad and trap and kill it.
However we human beings jump into the dangerous and complicated maze of worldly life with so called pleasures and frolics… and even after knowing very well that we are stepping into an area of grave danger we never take care to withdraw. Indeed curious is the way desires delude us.

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