Saturday, February 17, 2024

जानामि भो नाग तव प्रभावं कण्ठे स्थितो गर्जति शङ्करस्य

स्थानं प्रधानं न बलं प्रधानं स्थाने स्थितो कापुरुषोऽपि सिंहः।
जानामि भो नाग तव प्रभावं कण्ठे स्थितो गर्जति शङ्करस्य॥शुक्रनीति
sthānaṁ pradhānaṁ na balaṁ pradhānaṁ sthāne sthito kāpuruṣo'pi siṁhaḥ|
jānāmi bho nāga tava prabhāvaṁ kaṇṭhe sthito garjati śaṅkarasya||śukranīti
More than physical strength one’s position and location give him greater commanding power and advantages. Placed in a vantage location even an unmaly and cowardly fellow would look strong and would show off. The eagle is very strong and at any point of time is capable of attacking and annihilating any snake. However, the snake (Vasuki, perhaps) sitting around the neck of Lord Shankara is showing funny faces and poking gestures at the eagle Garuda. The eagle cannot attack the snake because it is in the company of the Lord. So the eagle says, “ I know how strong and bold you are in reality, you wretched snake.. However you are making roaring hisses because you are curling around the neck of Master Shankara. “

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