Saturday, February 17, 2024

musings 244

The best way to cure oneself of jealousy and skepticism seems to be just to read and study impartially the viewpoints and writings of the persons of whom we are jealous or whose views we do not really feel to be in agreement with..
If we are fairly impartial, we would find that whether we agree with them or not, we do not have sufficient material to be critical of their views and postures..
And even in the writings of those who hold entirely opposite views we would find materials and references they have used to oppose the divergent views.. These references can lead us to deeper study either in favour or in opposition of a view..
We should realize that we know very little to equip ourselves either to agree or disagree with another..
And the agreement of an individual or disagreement either matters very little in the long run..
Most of the time our disagreements are with a person and his attitudes rather than his thoughts and ideas..
It is always better to think deep on selected subjects rather than wasting our brain and its energy on too many issues.. especially the issues that do not concern us much..

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