Sunday, February 11, 2024

if the earth eats up all the vegetables growing on it....

सस्यानि स्वयमत्ति चेन्वसुमती माता सुतं हन्ति चे-
द्वेलामम्बुनिधिर्विलङ्खयति चेद्भूमिं दहेत्पावकः।
आकाशं जनमस्तके पतति चेदन्नं विषं चेद्भवे
दन्यायं कुरुते क्षितिपतिः कस्तं निरोद्धुं क्षमः॥७२
sasyāni svayamatti cenvasumatī mātā sutaṁ hanti ce
dvelāmambunidhirvilaṅkhayati cedbhūmiṁ dahetpāvakaḥ|
ākāśaṁ janamastake patati cedannaṁ viṣaṁ cedbhave
danyāyaṁ kurute kṣitipatiḥ kastaṁ niroddhuṁ kṣamaḥ||72
If the earth starts eating plants and vegetable and all the nourishment they produce and contain
If the mother who gave birth has no hesitation to kill her own son
If the sea whose tides are precisely timed according to the phases of the moon just deviate from the schedule
If the fire just burns the earth into ashes
If the King whose bounden duty to protect the rights and the very existence of his sujects does injustice to them
Then who can prevent the perpetrators of the irregularity and protect the victim.
The fundamental laws should never be transgressed.

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