Sunday, February 11, 2024

There is no right post and wrong post.

There is no right post and wrong post.
There is nothing that is entirely good or bad. Every conversation just becomes relevant according to its purposefulness and the message it carries.
If the message prompts some nice feeling or action the message is good.
If it serves little purpose it just waste of words.
It is good if it can prevent or even slow down a bad thought or deed.
To love my family I need not hate all my neighbours.
To love Krishna I need not and I should not hate or disrespect Jesus or Allah or any other God.
Instead of publishing long checklists and rules if it is ensured that the spirit of love and mutual respect are maintained any group will run happily.
We can dissent and even at times quarrel on issues where many views are possible.
But we should never disrespect or slight the dignity of all our brothers sisters and dear friends.
We have to judge a post according to its relevance rather than on the basis of some rules created by X or Y or Z

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